Re-Use Your Newspapers
A Bakers Dozen Value Added Uses for Your Newspaper at No Cost to You!
- Deodorize food containers. Stuff a balled-up piece of newspaper into a lunchbox or thermos, seal it, and let it sit overnight.
- Ripen tomatoes. Wrap them individually and leave them out at room temperature.
- Pack delicate items. Wrap frames and figurines with several pieces of newspaper, and then crumple the remaining sections to fill extra space in the box.
- Wipe away tough streaks on glass. Use newspaper with cleaning fluid to clean mirrors and windows.
- Preserve antique glass. Some older frames have finishes on the glass that can be damaged by cleaning solutions. Remove smudges by rubbing with newspaper dipped in a solution of one part white vinegar and one part warm water. Let air-dry.
- Dry shoes. Place crumpled paper in them overnight.
- Wrap gifts. Use the comics to wrap a child’s birthday gift, or try the wedding announcements for an engagement gift.
- Cover plants during a frost.
- Prepare a garden. In the fall, mow a patch of lawn to make room for a dedicated bed. Cover it with four layers of newspaper, then a four-inch layer of shredded leaves or bark mulch. Hose it down. Come spring, the compost blanket will have smothered the grass roots, and the bed will be primed for planting.
- Keep the refrigerator vegetable drawer dry and free of smells. Line the bottom with the newspaper.
- Protect table when children are painting or gluing
- Use as a knee pad when gardening or scrubbing floors
- Donate excess papers to your local SPCA or Humane Society.